Dr. Nadine Bienefeld-Seall

Dr.  Nadine Bienefeld-Seall

Dr. Nadine Bienefeld-Seall

Lecturer at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

ETH Zürich

Arbeits-& Organisationspsychologie

WEV K 508

Weinbergstr. 56/58

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Artificial Intelligence/ML; Human-AI Teaming; Digitization; Virtual Collaboration; Work Design; Team Dynamics in High-Risk Situations (Intensive Care Medicine and Aviation)

About me

Artificial intelligence (AI/ML)- based automation technologies bring a bounty of possibilities to make our lives better and safer. We still do not know, however, how easily such smart machines are adopted by human end-users and how the quality of decisions can be improved, especially in situations that require the work of human-AI teams or multi-team systems. Related to this issue are questions regarding social acceptance, trust, accountability, and whether human operators can make sense of or - if necessary - override decision-making algorithms, which due to methods such as deep learning are no longer readable to humans. In my current role as a senior researcher at ETH Zurich, I am particularly excited to find answers to these questions and apply them to the field of healthcare, where making the right decisions truly matters. For this purpose, I rely on theories from social and organizational psychology, human factors, neurosciences, and data science and combine qualitative with quantitative methods. I hold a Ph.D. in Organization – Work & Technology from ETH Zurich, an MSc in Psychology from the University of Zurich and have held various leadership positions in both industry and academia, most recently as head of the Centre for Human Resources, Development, and Sports Psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Applied Psychology.

If you are interested to learn more about my current research projects and/or seek an opportunity to collaborate, please reach out to me

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Since Membership
Academy of Management
European Association of Work and Organiziational Psychology (EAWOP)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
INGRoup - Interdisziplinary Network for Group Research


Year Distinction
2014 The EJWOP Best Paper Award by Center for Creative Leadership and the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
2011 The ISAP Best Paper Award by the International Symposium for Aviation Psychology, Dayton Ohio, US
2008 Best M.Sc. Diploma at the Faculty of Philosophy, University Zurich
2007 Best M.Sc. Thesis at the Institute of Psychology, University Zurich

Additional information

Selected Journal Publications and Working Papers


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (under review). How will we team up with AI? A sociotechnical system analysis and recommendations for the future of work in AI-supported intensive care teams. Computers in Human Behavior.


Bienefeld, N., Ben- Menahem, S., Grote, G. (in preparation). Trust negotiations in human-AI teams. Target Journal: Academy of Management Journal.


Bienefeld, N., Bühler, Ph., Dressel, H. (in preparation). From Villain to Hero: A sensemaking typology of AI in medicine viewed from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Target Journal: NPJ Digital Medicine.


Bienefeld, N., & Bühler, Ph. (in preparation). In the eye of the beholder: Eye-tracking of human-computer interaction as a predictor for technology acceptance and use in the example of intensive care medicine. Target Journal: NPJ Digital Medicine.


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2014). Shared Leadership in Multiteam Systems: How Cockpit and Cabin Crews Lead Each Other to Safety. Human Factors, the Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Vol. 56: no. 2: 270-286. DOI: 10.1177/0018720813488137.


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2014). Speaking Up in Ad Hoc Multiteam Systems: Individual-level Effects of Psychological Safety, Status, and Leadership Within and Across Teams. European Journal of Work and Organization Psychology. 23 (6), 930-945. Received the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and Centre of Creative Leadership 2014 best paper award.


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2012). Silence That May Kill: When Aircrew Members Don’t Speak Up and Why. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 2 (1), 1-10.


Grote, G, Kolbe, M., Zala-Mezö, E, Bienefeld, N., Künzle, B. (2010). Adaptive coordination and heedfulness make better cockpit crews. Ergonomics, 53 (2), 2011-228.


Monographs and Book Chapters


Bienefeld, Nadine, Gudela Grote, Irina Stoller, Toni Wäfler, Martin Woerter and Spyros Arvanitis. (2018). Digitization in the Swiss Economy: Goals, professional competences, and work organization. KOF studies 99.


Barshi I., Bienefeld N. (2018) When Silence Is Not Golden. In: Hagen J. (eds) How Could This Happen?. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76403-0_3


Bienefeld, N. (2012). Leadership, Boundary-Spanning, and Voice in High-Risk Multiteam Systems. Dissertation, ETH Zurich.


Selected Conferences


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2020). Human-Centered Design of Future Work Systems: Examples of ICU Doctors and Nurses. [Conference presentation]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. pp.12748: DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2020.12748symposium


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2019). Human - AI-Agent Teams and Process Changes Over Time in the Example of Acute Care Teams. [Conference presentation]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston MA, USA, pp.11598. DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2019.11598symposium


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2019). How Technologies of Tomorrow Shape Technology Use Today. [Conference presentation]. DIGIERA Organizing in the Age of Digital Technologies. Ascona. Switzerland


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2019). Welcome Dr. Watson: New Roles and Responsibilities in AI-Supported Healthcare Teams. [Conference presentation]. EAWOP 2019: Book of Abstracts, pp. 1113-113. EAWOP, 2019.


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (2019). Welcome Dr. Watson: New Roles and Responsibilities in AI-Supported Healthcare Teams. [Conference presentation]. SIOP 2019 Annual Conference. Washington D.C., USA.


Bienefeld, N. & Grote, G. (upcoming Jan 2021). Trust negotiations in human-AI teams. [Conference presentation]. EAWOP Small Group Meeting.


Bienefeld, N. (2018). Digitization in the Swiss Economy: Goals, professional competences, and work organization. Invited keynote at the annual conference of the Swiss ICT association. Zurich, Switzerland.


Bienefeld, N. (2015). The Power of Voice. Talk presented at TEDx Zurich, Switzerland. http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/The-power-of-voice-Nadine-Bienecall_made

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