Discover the Power of Embracing Uncertainty in Your Organization!

In today's fast-paced world of work, uncertainty is a constant companion. From technological advancements to changing market dynamics, it is something we all face daily. Rather than fearing uncertainty, what if we could harness its potential?

by Jacqueline Hohermuth

Moving beyond the traditional view of uncertainty as a mere threat, individuals and teams may embrace uncertainty withbenefits for their work and well-being. By looking at uncertainty in a developmental way, a more effective uncertainty mindset can be adopted.

Are you interested in exploring your team’s or organization’s uncertainty mindset? We propose a “wise intervention” approach: With a short intervention (< 1 hour) and few follow-up surveys (~ 15 min) we can help you transform your team’s uncertainty mindset and track the resulting changes. Our preliminary evidence shows that an effective uncertainty mindset is linked to reduced stress, higher well-being, and better performance and creativity. If you are interested in joining this exciting project or have any questions, get in touch with us: Federico Magni & Alina Gerlach ( / ).

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