Research Projects

New Technologies at Work

We study the impact of new technologies, such as AI or robotics, on jobs and work processes in diverse fields (e.g., in healthcare, architecture/engineering/construction) from socio-technical and applied psychological perspectives. We specifically focus on the following areas:
• Design (e.g., how can technologies be designed in a human-centered way?)
• Employee attitudes and reactions (e.g., how do employees perceive and react to novel technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, in work contexts?)
• Implementation (e.g., how can technologies best be implemented to enhance employee well-being and productivity?)
• Decision-making (e.g., How are organizational and individual decision-making processes and outcomes impacted by decision-support systems?)

With this research, we aim to better understand human-AI interaction in organizations and accordingly develop recommendations for informed decisions by industry, regulators, and policy-makers.
See all “New Technologies at Work” related projects here.

Uncertainty, proactivity and innovation

Employees who sprint forward with new ideas and propel innovation, can self-initiate change in their work environment, and can cope with uncertainty are key for the survival and thriving of organizations in the current social environment. In this research stream we investigate how different individual and collective factors influence individuals’ and groups’ daily work regarding proactivity and innovation, and how workers perceive and self-regulate uncertainty at work.

See all "Uncertainty, proactivity and innovation" related projects here.

Human Resource Management

See the project related to "Human Resource Management" here.


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